Monday, January 4, 2010

Say 8... say 8... Happy 8 day

Well... for those of you who know of Brian Regan, I am sure that title rings a bell... for those that don't, I will give you a brief explanation. Brian Regan is without a doubt our favorite comedian, and one of his sets include a trip to the ER. Anyway, when the ER people ask him what level his pain is, he goes through this whole debate with himself as to what to say. He decides to say "8", then is happy with his decision after he gets good drugs and therefore when going thru the ER yells out... Say 8.... say 8.... Happy 8 day....

So, not nearly as funny as watching him, but now you have a bit of history. Today was my "Say 8" day. I have been fighting an upper respiratory infection for a couple weeks now, and have had little relief from it. I have had head congestion and a very severe heavy cough. Last week I started having discomfort in my back/side area when I would cough and would have to hold my side. It progressively got worse, and this morning when I woke up I couldn't even take a deep breath without the pain making me feel like I was going to drop to my knees.

I went to the ER by orders of my OBGYN and after a loooong wait, the Doctor diagnosed it as a fractured rib. Apparently, this is pretty common in prego's because there is no room for the lung to expand when you are coughing, that somethings gotta give. There is not much they can do to treat it. I just have to let it heal. I am ok, if I am not moving, but moving pretty much irritates it, not to mention I still have the cough that makes it hurt too.

Oh... and when the ER lady asked me to rate my pain... I said...9! : )


  1. I don't want to make you laugh because I know it causes so much pain but I HAVE to post this because it is so funny! SAY 8....SAY 8! LOL!


    It would help if I posted the link! LOL!
