Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hayley's New Gymnastics Class

Hayley started a new gymnastic's class last week. We switched from the YMCA to the Livonia Rec Center. The gym is a lot nicer and I think the program in itself is just run better there. Here are a few pics...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

EIGHT Months

EIGHT MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever!

I seriously can not stand it! Especially since in the last couple of weeks he has done SO much! Cole has cut a bottom tooth, he has waved, clapped, and most importantly said his first word... MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!! I finally had a child to say my name first!!! Yay! (Just a bit excited about it!)

He is growing and just learning so much! He is still such a happy baby and so content. He is now eating baby puffs and LOVES them. When I put them on his tray it is like mana... he grabs as many up as fast as he can! Really cute!

I have to start to wean him, but am not mentally ready to do so. Jeff and I are going to Denver in October for our anniversary and my parents are coming out to stay with the kids, so Cole needs to be on a bottle by then. Hopefully, the transition goes well!

All in all, he is doing great!

Grandma and Grandpa Visit

Grandma and Grandpa Gerwing came and visited over Labor Day weekend. The girls (and Cole too) enjoyed having them here and spending time with them. They played outside, went to the park, played games, read books, horsey rides... they slept good, (and so did the girls!) Ha Ha!

I'm How Old??

Ok, so I know I say it like every month how fast my kids are growing... but today is completely different! I am 35! What? WHAT? Where did 35 years go??

I had a great birthday (with the exception of feeling like I was going to vomit) On Saturday the 4th, Jeff and I went out to a nice dinner at a Mexican Restaurant I had been wanting to try and then afterwards we met up with some friends at Melting Pot to enjoy some dessert fondue. However, not long after we were at the Melting Pot, I started to not feel so hot. I actually told Jeff we had to leave. Thankfully, I did not get sick and I think it was just a combination of REALLY bad heartburn and something not just agreeing with me 100%. Other than THAT, it was awesome! On Monday my birthday we celebrated with the kids and had cupcakes and then Jeff cooked a delish meal on the grill - shrimp, asparagus, garlic bread... YUM-O!

35 can't be all that bad right? Bring it!! : )

And the walls came tumbling down...

At the end of August, Jeff had a work trip where he was gone all week. While he was gone myself and my (5 month pregnant) girlfriend decided to take down a wooden privacy fence in our back yard. This fence boarded our patio which was nice for privacy, however, it prevented us from seeing the kids playing in the yard. I had been saying for the last few years that I wanted it down, so I decided (with much encouragement and/or peer pressure?!) : ) to take it down.

Now the last two weekends we have been working on it to get it finished. We are planning on putting some tall grasses on the side and then in the back we are going to put stones and a fire pit. Can't wait to get it finished and enjoy it!