Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Merry Christmas...

Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas. We had a very nice relaxing time at home. Only our second time staying in MI since we have been married... that's what being preggo and due so close to this time of year will do!

Christmas Eve we had a nice ham dinner, and then we went and drove around looking at Christmas lights. Hayley kept saying, "so pretty". A girl after her Daddy's heart. We went to one house that is only a few miles away that had their lights set to a radio station. That was fun, and the girls liked that. When we got home, the girls opened ornaments that Mom Mom and Pop Pop had sent them, and then they got to open their new pj's. Hayley was really excited and new their would be presents in the morning. Alyssa still didn't get the whole thing yet. The girls went down pretty easy that night.

I told Jeff to set the alarm for 6:45 so I could get up and get showered and ready before the girls woke up. Well, I heard them at 6:30! I couldn't believe it. They are never up that early! I opened our door and saw that they even had their bedroom light on. I woke Jeff up, told him to keep and ear out so they didn't' come out of the room and I jumped in the shower. Thankfully, when I got out of the shower, Jeff had said they went back down to sleep. We got up, got things ready for breakfast and then went in and got the girls up. As soon as we walked in the room Hayley asked, "Are there presents under the tree?" I told her she would have to go and find out. We let them open their stockings and then we had a nice breakfast. After breakfast, the fun began and we let the girls open their big gift first which was a kitchen set. They had a lot of fun playing with that... we pretty much had to pull them away to start opening the other gifts. It was a very fun morning.

Later in the afternoon we went to our friends parents house for dinner. It was such a fun time, watching the girls play with their friends and just relaxing and enjoying the day. They had a Santa show up at their house, and as soon as Hayley saw him, she ran and took cover. Alyssa just stared with an unsure look on her face. We don't promote Santa, and this is the first year Hayley even knew who he was from Christmas movies. Santa did offer Hayley a candy cane, and I think that won her over, however, Alyssa was still not going anywhere near him by herself.

Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you guys had a good Christmas! I will have to find out which house is the one that has their lights set to the radio! That is so cool!
