Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Getting to know the "Growing Gerwings"

Welcome to Growing Gerwings! This is going to be a blog about our everyday life as a growing family. I was doing a babysite, however that required keeping up three separate sites for the kids and it was just too much. Especially now so many of the stories/events/pictures overlap with each other I just felt like I was repeating myself. So this is the new site... a place where you will be able to read about what is going on in our lives.

Jeff is busy, busy, busy at work. Last week was a crucial week for him in getting his budget for 2010 in and it required many a late night. Thankfully, it was work he was able to do from home. But after the girls were down he was on his laptop at the kitchen table till about 3 am every night last week. He is really enjoying being the Director of Operations for Smithgroup, and as hard of a decision it was to make to leave design, we can clearly see that this is where God wanted him for "such a time as this". He is still able to have a hand in lighting design which is a double blessing.

Hayley is almost 3 1/2 - Wow! She is such a joy. She is very polite and loves being "Mommy's Helper". I do preschool with her once or twice a week, with practicing writing her letters and numbers. She really enjoys it and if it gets to the end of the week and we haven't done school, she will remind me. She is excited for her Baby Brother to arrive. She talks about it all the time. I can't wait to see her with him. She is really into the Disney Princesses and loves anything pink. Another new favorite is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. The girls only get to watch one show a day (on most days... some days Mommy needs more of a break!) and most days she will choose Mickey over Sesame Street.

Alyssa will be 2 in just a couple weeks. Can't believe how fast time flies. Alyssa is a punk. That is the best word to describe her. She knows she is cute, and will do things just to see what kind of reaction she can get from you. She pushes the limits, yet knows when to stop. Jeff and I both declare her each other's daughter! She has a contagious laugh and smile. She is almost always happy, however when she is not - you know it by her bottom lip. Alyssa is very attached to her "BaBa" (little blanket) and needs it almost all the time. She is now in a big girl bed and her and Hayley share a room.

BG#3 is putting me through the ringer with his daily acrobatics. He is so active, so much more than I ever remember the girls being. We are anxiously awaiting his arrival. I am due January 16th, but Jeff is betting I go early (fyi - he also said this with Hayley AND Alyssa and we know how wrong he was there!). I can't wait to see him and hold him, and just to see how the everyday dynamics of our life change with a baby boy.

Me... I am in nesting mode right now. Think spring cleaning x 10. Which actually isn't good, b/c I haven't even started wrapping Christmas gifts yet! I think I rationalize it that it is more important to have the house clean for the baby, than it is having wrapped presents... at least they are all bought! I have begun the hermit phase... I really do not like going out in this cold, and taking the girls out and getting them bundled up and in and out of car seats is just not worth it to me. How soon until summer? All in all I am doing well, and I am so thankful that I have always had such easy pregnancies. I only have 4 more weeks to go...

Thanks for reading, and I hope you will check back often to see how life is going with the "Growing Gerwings"!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! I get to post the first comment! LOVE the new blog! LOVE the "Growing Gerwings"! I cannot imagine doing life without you guys! I cannot wait to get my hands on that little boy! :) XOXO
