Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Crazy Dream!

Ok, I had the most crazy dream two nights ago. The thing is, it was so detailed that it was insane!

So... I was pregnant (Remember... this is a DREAM!) But the crazy part was, that it was in current time, and I was 9 weeks pregnant. So, how am I pregnant you ask, this is where it was so detailed it was crazy. I apparently released an egg the day before I gave birth to Cole. Somehow, my body knowing he was going to be born the next day, released and egg and well, got fertilized. I was at U of M in shock not understanding how this could happen. I was having an ultrasound there and there was a whole room full of people observing it, b/c it was this rare case that had never happened before! Bizare right! Oh, and it was a boy...

Like I said, it was so detailed that I woke up kinda scared. The fact that my subconscious was able to create some rare thing that (I really hope) has never happened is just strange!

1 comment:

  1. I can tell you what this dream means....It means (in time) you need to have a fourth. ;) That is a really bizarre dream! Wow! It would freak me out too!
