Thursday, February 18, 2010

Growth and Time

So, do you like what I am wearing? Good! Because it is what you will see me in for the next year!

Ok, so let me explain... God has laid what I call a "challenge" on me, or as He would probably refer to it as is "test of obedience". As I mentioned before in a previous post, Jeff and I recently read a book for our small group. The book is Crazy Love by Francis Chan, and I highly recommend it! We finished reading this book back before Christmas, and it is still impacting me and challenging me in multiple ways. The book had so much to grasp in it, that our group is still spending time reviewing it, so we can fully take hold of what God wants us to do with our lives... love Him so much, people think you are CRAZY! Well, we recently talked about possessions and how we perceived God's view of them to be. In doing so, and in talking with God about it, (Yes, I said talking with God.. because if you take the time to listen... HE will speak to you!)I really started to feel convicted about the amount of clothes that I had. I had also recently went to a small group conference at our church, and it was all about outreach, and when you hear just some of the statistics of homelessness, and so forth... it really does just smack you in the face with how much we do have, and how we do live in excess. So, back to my clothes... in time I was spending with God, I clearly heard Him tell me I had too many clothes and that I needed to purge... and then I also heard Him tell me, that He did not want me to buy any more clothes for myself for the rest of the year. (Insert - a very loud internal WHAT?) So, I did what any woman would do; pretend I did not hear Him. Then the next day, again... the same thing. So now I start debating with Him. Really? Really? This is what you want me to do? Clearly, the answer was YES! Later that day as we were eating dinner, my hands started getting all sweaty, and then I did it - I said it out loud to Jeff. I knew if I didn't, that if I didn't tell him, if I didn't share it with someone who would hold me accountable that I wouldn't do it - that I wouldn't obey. Jeff just looks at me and says... I felt the same thing. (No, not that he didn't need to get rid of clothes, or not buy any clothes - but me) We have one closet in our bedroom (an no, it is not a walk-in) that we share and we each have one dresser. I then also have a very large Rubbermaid of clothes in the basement that I keep off season clothes in. He said, that he just felt, that all my clothes needed to be in the room. That is the same thing God had told me - that all the clothes that I could ever NEED, could fit in my bedroom. So... I start the purging.

I have already felt God using this to grow me. For me to really see what is important and essential in life. It has also opened my eyes, to things that I have. Already, in the last week I have worn a coat that I hadn't worn in a long time, different jewelry, and a pair of shoes that needed a good dusting. When you look and what you have, and realize it is all you have and are going to have for a good while - you appreciate it so much more!

At the end of the year, I look forward to donating my clothing budget to where God leads. Now, don't get me wrong - I don't think shopping is wrong, (believe me I am already counting the days until January 1, 2011) or that I am trying to boast (because, I believe this is going to be a very hard struggle), or that everyone should do this. I am just sharing what God has laid on my heart at this moment in time about possessions.

Now... onto Time. I have also been feeling very convicted of the way I spend my Time. (This too was something our sg was discussing in review of Crazy Love) I was spending way too much time on facebook, and not enough time with God, and my family. It really did have a control over me. Having somebody comment on my status was a 'high' and I had to keep checking to get my fix. (Sick, I know!) Hopefully, I am not alone in this addiction. So, anyway, I took it to prayer. I clearly felt God impressing on me that I needed to cut back my time on there. (Easier said, than done!) I wanted to, I did... but I couldn't. I would do good for a day, and then I would be checking it non stop the next day. Ugh! I don't feel that fb'ing is wrong, just the amount of time I was spending on it was. So, I decided to give it up for Lent. I knew if I just did it for myself, that I wouldn't/couldn't do it. So, I am giving it up for Lent. Now, it has only been 1 1/2 days but can I tell you the freedom that I already feel! I seriously feel like the chains have been broken. Now, let me say, that I do indeed plan to get back on fb come Easter - just hopefully after this break, I will have better control (and if not, it will be time to delete it!). Ok, I feel like I keep jumping around here... sorry, there is just so much going on in my head, and I am trying to get it all out. So, yesterday - the first day of Lent and the morning after I put my status as "giving fb up for Lent", this was my scripture for my devotion - Eph 5:15 - 16 "Be very careful, then, how you live - not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity" I don't know about you, but that is what I want. I want to make the most of every opportunity. I recently read a quote that was talking about that scripture that I had written down, and to sum it up, it talked about walking in wisdom gives us the capacity to rescue time from the bondage of unprofitable uses and activities while here on earth that displease the Lord and have no eternal value. Again, not saying fb is sin.. but I can pretty much bet, God was displeased with the amount of time I spent on there. So... what are you doing with your time?

Ok, as you can probably tell... my brain is on overload with all that it has been taking in and processing over the last two weeks. Sorry, if this is unclear - I just wanted to get out what was going on with me. What's God talking to you about?

1 comment:

  1. I love this Heather and it do doubt convicted me and is making me take a step back and look at my possesions and time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your struggles. I can tell you that I have cut back on FB A LOT over the past few days and it is very freeing! I am actually enjoying it in a way. I appreciate you and your thoughts! Thank you!
