Friday, February 26, 2010

I am Mom... I will do anything... even go out in the snow

Well, I did the unthinkable (to me at least)... I went out in the snow. I must say, that I do not dislike snow... I just despise the cold so much, that not wanting to go out in the snow is just a by product. BUT (and that's a HUGE but) I love my children and will do anything for them... even go out in the snow and build a snowman! Hayley wanted a "big, big, big snowman... however, we went out the day after it snowed and it just didn't seem to want to stick. Either it wasn't good packing snow, or I need a lesson on how to build a snowman.

Here is one of the girls in the neighbor's fort (aka castle as Hayley called it!)

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