Friday, February 26, 2010

I Want You... I Need You...

So recently the girls have added the above two phrases to their vocabulary. Several times a day, I will hear from one or both of them... "I Want You" and/or "I Need You". I am not quite sure where they got them from, or how they know that they would pull on my heart strings. Seriously, where does a 3 1/2 year old and a 2 year old come up with these?

The other morning the girls woke a bit early and came knocking on my bedroom door. (Just and FYI, Mommy is not on-duty until 8am - with the exception of nursing)So, when they came knocking, I was actually nursing Cole and told them to go back into their room and I would come get them in a minute. Hayley said, ok and went back into her room. Alyssa, however, chose to throw and all out fit and began sobbing and screaming and saying the infamous, "I NEED YOU". Calmly, I try and tell her I am nursing and to go back into her room and I would get her shortly. I tried this approach several times. Finally, I broke and yelling louder than her (and startling Cole in the process) told her to go back into her room. Than instantly, almost as the words were coming out of my mouth, the image of me coming before Christ sobbing and saying "I Need You" came into my head. OUCH! Talk about a frightening visual. I just thought to myself - what if Jesus told me to go away if I came to him sobbing and in need? Thankfully, that has never been and never will be the case - in my situation... or yours. Jesus hears us and is always there. I read something this morning in my devotional, that really struck me... "A plan of profound importance exists that sometimes overrides the miracle we desperately desire." ~Beth Moore How awesome is that, there is a plan! So, even though I may be praying for a miracle (my girls to not whine!) there is a purpose and a plan that is being lived out in those moments. What perspective!

So for now, I will endure these moments, and do my best to stay calm and teach appropriate behavior, and in the process remember there is a greater plan.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to pretend this is FB for a moment and just say... Corrie Perry "likes" your post!
